Mission Statement
We exist to provide quality instruction in the art and science of traditional Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan to Colorado families and individuals. We provide a fun atmosphere of mutual concern and cooperation, rooted in traditional discipline. We help build independent, focused, and confident individuals and families with healthy bodies, spirits, and minds.
Vision Statement
Help create families and individuals that are self-reliant, unafraid, independent, strong, and able to defend themselves while also being confident and supportive of each other and their community.
Organizations we are Affiliated With
Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan Schools
Our parent organization for
rank accreditation. This organization is ran by 9th Degree Black Belt
Grandmaster Kim, D.H. out of Tucson Arizona.
Chung Do Kwan
Rank accreditation option for Black Belts. Our connection
is 9th Degree Black Belt Grandmaster Park, Hae Man of Seoul Korea.
World Tae Kwon Do Federation / Kukkiwon
Rank accreditation option for Black Belts.
The WTF is the worldwide organization that runs Tae Kwon Do for the Olympics.
The Kukkiwon does black-belt certification.