Pictures of Kick-A-Thon Fundraiser and Kicking Extraordinaire March 2009
These are pictures of our "Kick-A-Thon" fundraiser and kicking extrodanaire from
Mar 2009. We went through most of the kicking that exists in Tae Kwon Do Chung Do
Kwan as well as Forms and Sparring. We also gave out some prizes for the best students
for given sections as well as prizes to all the kids for participating. Students
asked sponsors for donations based on the number of kicks they performed. The
donations went to our scholarship and seminar fund. These pictures are courtesy
of Sandy Priest and Jason Bushman.
Note: These are all thumbnails of the pictures. If you click on a picture you can
pull up a full size image of the picture (other than the random picture at the top).
The KickAThon flyer
Getting started
Everybody line up! Let's get kicking!
Kicking into pads
Pass pad to next person with respect
Krystal counts our kicks!
An attempt at flight and Mr Bradford kicks
White and yellow belt kids kick!
Forms, Mr Bradford helps out a new yellow belt with his forms
Sparring, with folks -- first bow to each other showing respect
Good work here!
Sparring, between black belts
The Bunch!
Shots of the entire group!
Who had fun today! Giving out books and prizes and boy are folks tired!
More pictures available on snapfish