COBWAMA Rockies Kick Seminar -- October 7th-9th, 2011 -- Retreat Payment Page
Pay for your Rockies Kick 2011 seminar and lodging fees.
Pay your deposit to hold your lodging for the Cabin. Needs to be paid by Tuesday Sep 20th, 2011
Deposits are $35/person and
you can pay for multiple people by changing the number on the next page. You can get
a full refund on your deposit if you cancel by: Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011. Deposits
are NOT refundable AFTER Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011.
Sign up for each person you pay for
We need you to sign up for each person you pay for. Also sign up for infants,
toddlers, and pre-school kids up to five years old (you don't have to pay for them),
just so we know they are coming.
Signup online: Online Form (if you want to
register online rather than sending in forms by mail) We do need signatures on
the insurance and medical release forms, so they will have to be turned in
(or you can take care of them onsite).
If you'd like to sign and mail the forms into
us. Print out and mail each of the the relevant forms to:
PO Box 2507
Longmont CO 80502-2507
Make sure you understand the behavior policy in the registration form and
the things NOT to bring or do at camp (no alcohol, no fireworks or firearms).
Pampered Rate in the Retreat Center Rooms
Retreat Center rooms have three to five people sharing a single "motel style"
room. Linen service is provided, and your martial arts sessions, lodging and
food all come together in one package.
Pay Full Amount
You can pay for multiple people by changing the number on the next page. Please
pay by Thursday Sep 22nd, 2011. If you cancel before
Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011 you'll get all but your deposit refunded.
Pay Amount Minus Deposit Already Paid
you can pay for multiple people by changing the number on the next page.
Please pay by Thursday Sep 22nd, 2011. If you cancel before
Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011 you'll get all but your deposit refunded.
The Cabins have have two to eight people sharing a single room in a modern
cabin. You'll need to bring your own bedding (mattresses and bunk beds are provided)
, and towels. All of your martial arts sessions, lodging and food all come together
in one package. IF you forget bedding or towels the retreat center can provide them
for you at a nominal fee of $10 (just pay this when you make it to camp to the
retreat center).
Pay full amount
Please pay by Thursday Sep 22nd, 2011. If you cancel before
Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011 you'll get all but your deposit refunded.
Pay Amount Minus Deposit Already Paid
Please pay by Thursday Sep 22nd, 2011. If you cancel before
Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011 you'll get all but your deposit refunded.
Non Lodging Options
If you aren't spending the night, you can pay here for your martial arts sessions or
for extra meals or extra T-shirts.
Please pay by Thursday Sep 22nd, 2011. If you cancel before
Tuesday Sep 21st, 2011 you'll get your money refunded.
We are non-profit and appreciate any support you might offer. We do offer scholarships
for kids and families that can't afford classes, and also offer scholarships for families
for this retreat as well. Your donation will help us to provide a great camp experience
to families that can't afford it. Thank you for your consideration of a donation!