Friday night Forms Tournament
Friday night there was a Forms tournament. There were several rings running at the same time,
and participants were divided up by rank, age-categories and gender (for adults).
Friday night Sparring Tournament
Friday night there was also a Sparring tournament. There were several rings running at the same time,
and participants were divided up by rank, age-categories and gender (for adults).
For safety, the rules of the tournament were no contact, with points only scoring to thr front of the
trunk (below the neck, above the belt, back not allowed). Kicking techniques score 2 points and
hand techniques score 1 point. Sweeping or take-downs not allowed.
With our small group that we had go down we had several folks get medals in their
- Connor -- forms and sparring
- Ian -- forms
- Seth -- sparring
- Kevin -- sparring
Saturday Breaking Practice
As part of Saturdays training everyone got a chance to practice breaking techniques with boards.
Everyone got 5 boards they could practice with and could go around to different stations with
experience high ranking black-belts that could help guide them in their techniques.
Video of Board Breaking session
Saturday night Exhibition
Saturday night there was an exhibition of Tae Kwon Do skill and technique. Different Tae Kwon Do
schools did various demonstrations. Individuals demonstrated techniques, various breaks, forms
and self-defense methods.